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Quantitative skills

Scientific formulae (Biomed)

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This resource covers scientific formulae, equation manipulation, percentage calculations, dilutions and applications in a range of biomedical science scenarios, including blood analysis.

Learning outcomes

  • Describe terms related to scientific formulae, and the relationship between variables.
  • Express formulae in various ways via rearranging the equations.
  • Solve equations by substituting values into them, accounting for units.
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Manipulating and Presenting Data

  • How to calculate centrifuge force based on radius and RPM
  • How to determine percentage of lymphocytes in a blood sample
  • How to calculate monocyte cell count based on percentage and total cell count
  • How to dilute solution volume from a stock solution
  • How to calculate number of moles in a mass of EDTA and molarity of an EDTA solution

Concepts, Principles and Theories

  • How to identify the variable that needs to be isolated in a dilution calculation
  • How to apply the mathematical operation to rearrange equations to isolate a specific variable
  • How to identify constants in formulae

Interpreting and Analysing Data

  • How to identify the likely type of a white blood cell based on its measured diameter

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Dr. Alexandra Moores
University of Kent

"The Smart Worksheets are extremely useful to see the overall understanding and application of theories that we expected students to be able to use. Feedback is clear and accessible, enabling students to gain a deeper understanding of the topic they are studying and aiding in their success.”



Biomedical science
Biological science
Pharmacological science


Bio essentials


Quantitative skills

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