Advisory Panel
Distinguished educators who help improve our products and measure their impact
Our panel ensures that we are deeply embedded in the science, education and technology communities, fostering a strong understanding of the research, challenges, opportunities and people involved.

Prof. Nicola King
Associate-Pro Vice Chancellor for Education in the Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy at the University of Exeter
Chairperson of the Society for Natural Sciences and involved in developing and researching the impact of e-learning resources in universities and schools

Prof. Dudley Shallcross
Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry at the University of Bristol and Former President of the Education Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Holder of the American Chemical Society’s George C. Pimental award in Chemical Education, the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Nyholm Prize for Education and National Teaching Fellow

Dr. Dee Scadden
Director of Teaching and Digital Learning, Dept of Biochemistry, and Director of Technology-enabled Learning, School of Biological Sciences, University of Cambridge
Holder of the University of Cambridge’s Pilkington Prize for teaching excellence and the inaugural winner of the Biochemical Society Teaching Excellence Award

Prof. Leanne Williams
Professor at the University of Warwick School of Life Sciences
Recognised with University of Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence and Personal Tutoring Excellence

Dr. Andrew Allsebrook
Lead Demonstrator at the University of Queensland School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Winner of University of Queensland awards for Outstanding Contribution to Education and for large course teaching